Do inform your plastic surgeon of previous eye conditions and surgeries, any medical conditions and medications. Stop eyelid tape if this is in use. Avoid blood-thinning medications, anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplementations as they can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery, unless indicated by your doctor.
The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, with or without sedation. Ensure that the surgery is performed in an accredited surgical facility.
Incision: Along the supratarsal (double eyelid) crease
Procedure: Depending on your condition, the surgery may involve removing excess fat and skin, and lifting the eyelid (ptosis correction).
Incision: Along the lower lashline (subciliary) or at the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival)
Procedure: Techniques to improve the appearance of the lower eyelids include eyebag fat removal, correction of the tear trough, canthopexy (tightening of lower eyelid), mid-cheek lift, and in the case of using the subciliary approach, excess loose skin can be removed. If you suffer from lax or retracted lower eyelids, additional procedures to tighten the lower lid (canthoplasty) is needed.
Bruising and swelling are expected after surgery. Major swelling should subside by 1 to 2 weeks for incisional upper blepharoplasty and less for SUB. The stitches are removed within a week. The final results is often apparent after 3 months. Cold compress is recommended for the first few days after surgery to reduce swelling. Antibiotic and lubricating eyedrops may be prescribed.