• What is IPL?

    IPL is a technology that uses light to heat and destroy selected targets in the skin. 

  • What is IPL used for?
    • Hair removal
    • Some skin discolourations
    • Age spots
    • Broken blood vessels
    • Rosacea
    • Rejuvenation 
    • Acne
  • Is IPL painful?

    Some patients may experience mild discomfort or a slight stinging sensation. To prevent this, you will be asked to apply an anaesthetic cream to numb the area about 30 minutes prior to the procedure.

  • How is IPL performed?

    The area will be cleaned and the IPL handpiece is applied to deliver light pulses. Cooling gel may be used before or after the treatment. For your safety, your eyes will be covered and you should keep your eyes closed.

  • How many sessions are needed?

    Typically, sessions are repeated once a month or once every 6 weeks. You can have a series of between 4 to 6 sessions.   

  • How will I look after each treatment?

    You will experience some redness for a few days and some spots may appear darker initially but should improve with time. 

  • What about my aftercare?
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